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Competition and Entry Details

Competition Date and Time

1300-2100 , Saturday 7 September 2019


1700-2000, Friday 6 September 2019

[All participants must wear posing trunks to attend the weight-in.  No reminder will be given upon acceptance of entry.]


Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre "Rotunda 3, 6/F "

Application Deadline

Date: Friday 2 August 2019


(1) Online; or

(2) Unit C, 2/F, Right Time Bldg, 21-27 Playing Field Rd, MongKok, Kowloon


Please submit 

(1) Completed application form

(2) Membership application/ membership form renewal

(3) Coach pass application form

(4) Photos

(5) Copy of the requirement documents

(6) A crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation

Competition Categories

2019 Hong Kong Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships

1. Men’s Post-secondary Physique: Swimwear

  • - T Class: Over 179cm

  • - M Class: 172-179cm 

  • - S Class: Under 172cm

2. Men’s Bodybuilding – Open

  • - Class 4: Under 167cm

  • - Class 3: 167.1- 173cm 

  • - Class 2: 173.1-179cm

3. Men’s Master Bodybuilding (Over 40 age)

4. Men’s Athletic Physique

  • - A : Up to and include 165cm +2Kg

  • - B : Up to and include 170cm +3Kg

  • - C : Up to and include 175cm +3Kg

  • - D : Over 175cm +5Kg

5. Men’s Physique: Swimwear

  • - T Class: Over 179cm

  • - M Class: 172-179cm 

  • - S Class: Under 172cm

6. Men’s Aerobic

7. Women’s Aerobic

8. Women’s Sports Model: Sportswear / Bikini Round

  • - T Class: Over1.64cm

  • - M Class: 1.60-1.64cm

  • - S Class: Below 1.60cm

9. Bikini Model

  • - T Class: Over 164cm

  • - M Class: 160-164cm

  • - S Class: Below 160cm

10. Chi Tat Cup Overall Champion

11. Transformation


Qualifying Entries

1. Junior Men’s Bodybuilding Championship –Contestants who apply to participate in Novice Championship should neither participate in any bodybuilding championship previously nor win the first three places in anybody building championship

2. Senior Men’s Bodybuilding Championship –Contestants who have either entered bodybuilding competition previously or won the Junior Championship can enter the Hong Kong Senior Men’s Bodybuilding Championship on the day.

3. Male bodybuilders who participate in Bodybuilding (Novice, Senior & Master) category are not allowed to compete in Athletic Physique and Sports Model competition but can compete in Fitness Physique category.


Remarks  Hong Kong Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation reserve the right of final decision in case of any dispute.

Physical Culture Association Hong Kong Pro

- PCA Pro Men's Physique

- PCA Pro Bikini Model

- PCA Pro Men's Bodybuilding

Participants who have participated in the bodybuilding competitions of our Federation or this Association in the past can get the first three places.

Remarks  Physical Culture Association Hong Kong reserve the right of final decision in case of any dispute.

Competition Rules & Procedures

Order of Entry Contestant will draw lots to determine the order of entry in the competitions immediately after weigh-in.

Reporting and Competition Music

Contestant shall report to the Director of Competition at 1100 on 7 September 2019 at the Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre "Star Hall" to collect Athlete’s Pass, Coach Pass (if applicable), and submit competition music saved on a CD.


For two or more categories, separate CDs should be submitted whether the same piece of music is used.


Music MUST BE recorded in CD format.  Neither MP3 nor WMX format can be read.


Contestant shall write down clearly on the CD:

(1) Contestant's name

(2) Competition category

(3) Competition entry number

(4) Gym/fitness centre he/she is affiliated


Remarks  National Anthem is not allowed to be used as competition music.





  • Champion Medal and Trophy

  • 1st Runner-up Medal and Trophy

  • 2nd Runner-up Medal and Trophy

  • 4th Place Medal

  • 5th Place Medal

  • 6th Place Medal

  • “Best Poser” for specific category

  • “Overall Champion” for the Hong Kong Men’s Bodybuilding Championship

  • “Overall Champion” for the Hong Kong Men's Athletic Championship



Competition Rules

1. Contestant must follow the instructions of the Stage Manager and will be led by the stage official to go on stage.

2. The first round of the contests is an elimination round in accordance with international competition rules and regulations.  All results will be announced immediately after the preliminary round.  Top six finalists from each competition category will be compete in the finals to be held in the evening. Finalist shall report to the stage manager before 1600 and prepare for the finals.

3. Finalist may apply oil in moderation on the body.  Contestant should not leave any oil marks on the walls or any places at the backstage and keep the backstage clean.

4. Finalist must wear corresponding competition costumes which are clean and decent and follow international rules.  Body hair must be shaved. Contestant must not wear footwear, watch, ring, bangle, pendant, earrings, wig, distracting ornamentation or artificial aids to the figure.

5. Contestant shall perform the stipulated (7 or 5) poses according to the Competition Judge.

6. Contestant must respect the rules of competition and observe them honestly in cooperation with the officials.

7. Contestant must accept and respect the decisions of the judges in the spirit of good sportsmanship without descending to selfish discriminations.


1. Coach must apply for a coach pass for access to backstage.

2. Champion and the first runner-up of the competition are obliged to continue striving for bodily perfection and correct moral principles.  They shall also be ready to cooperate with the Hong Kong Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation in the development of bodybuilding and physique sports to participate in local and overseas exhibitions or competitions.

3. The Competition shall be recorded by the HKBPSF for video production or television broadcast.

4. Entry fee will not be returned, unless the HKBPSF does not accept the application.

5. The HKBPSF is not responsible for mailing errors caused by unclear contact details.

6. Personal information provided shall only be used in the promotion of the Competition.

7. For amendment of personal information, please contact us on 2736 9677.


Enquiries:Tel: (852) 2345 6286 / Fax: (852) 2345 1236 / E-mail:

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